Maybe you have a desk job or do a lot of traveling for work; maybe you have hobbies that don’t require a lot of movement; maybe you are recovering from an injury; or maybe your body hurts when you walk or move.
If this might be you, I encourage you to take a few minutes and think about how you can add some physical activity into your life.
Eventually, you want to move for at least 30 minutes, every day. If that seems impossible right now, it’s ok to start small and break it down. Start with just 10 minutes at a time. Either 10 minutes, 3 times a day. Or just 10 minutes a day if that’s all you can commit to right now.
Please remember this: some activity is better than no activity. Again, some activity is better than no activity. Talking to you, my “all or nothing” people.
Don’t have time for exercise?
Everyone’s time is limited, I know. If you find that you don’t have 30 minutes a day for a walk or some activity, then please consider what is most important to you. I think about it this way: if I did become ill, I would be forced to shift my priorities and nothing would be more important than my healing. So why can’t I make time for prevention now? You may need to think outside the box and get creative with your schedule.
Inertia - A body at rest, stays at rest
Another big issue is that once we become inactive, it is really hard to get moving again. Am I right? The good news is, once you push yourself to start (and you will have to push yourself), it will become easier to do it regularly, especially once you build it into your daily routine.
The bad news
I couldn’t leave the next part out. Below are some serious consequences we risk when we are highly inactive day after day. You’ve likely heard them before. But, really allow each one to sink in, and think about how they might affect your life or those around you.
Our heart becomes weak and can’t pump blood like it needs to. This causes fatty build up in our vessels that lead to blockages which can cause heart attack, stroke, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Our muscles and body become weak which can make everyday tasks much harder, less enjoyable and also increase the chance for falls.
Our bones start breaking down and in time become frail and brittle (Osteoporosis), which leads to easier breaks and fractures (especially if we do fall).
Our cells start to resist insulin causing glucose (sugar) to build up in our blood which leads to Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity.
Our joints stiffen and become rigid causing pain which then makes it harder to get moving in the first place.
Those are just some of the physical impacts. Which are scary enough. But being inactive also takes a toll on other areas of our life like, mental and emotional wellbeing, weight gain, energy, zest for life and poor sleep to name a few.
It’s ultimately your choice
I am surrounded by this information everyday, so it can be hard to watch others, especially my loved ones live this way.
But I have to remember that it’s their choice. Just like it’s your choice. And my choice. We can choose to take chances hoping to beat the odds; we can rely on modern medical technology; and we can live in our most comfortable state and accept the possible outcomes.
Or, we can try to live our healthiest, longest life; to have the vigor and strength for new experiences; to be present with those we love; and to fight and recover from illnesses we were not able to prevent.
It’s not too late
Don’t be discouraged if you’ve been down an unhealthy path for a long time. We can often reverse those outcomes (or at the least, stop them from getting worse) once we start making healthier choices.
Make a plan and get moving
Hey, it’s not easy to get moving again. I know from experience. But it is possible. Find support, find something that works, make a plan. Don’t wait to become motivated. Just do it.
If I can help, send me a message.
